Akaba -

Nach Hwegbadja zweiter König von Dahomey (1680-1708) aus der Aladahonu-Dynastie, seine Nachfolger: Agajá, Tegbesu, Adanzan, Ghezo (vgl. Agotime); "Nom d'un roi du Dahomey (1680-1708), déifié après sa mort et adoré comme Vodou dans la Casa das Minas." (Bastide 1969 560); "Zamadonou [Zomadonu]: C'est le Tobossou, c'est-à-dire le fils anormal du roi Akaba, adoré comme Vodou dans la Casa das Minas." (Bastide 1969 573); "In the reign of Akaba, which extended from 1680 to 1708, six chief-priests of the river cult who were suspected of a plot against the king, were sold with all their followers, and their gods were so effectively suppressed that there is no one left who knows how to worship those ancient river spirits“ (Herskovits II 88f.).
